All Classes and Interfaces

A storage that is able to hold any "asset"-data for a map.
An API to control the running instance of BlueMap.
This class represents a map that is rendered by BlueMap of a specific world (BlueMapWorld).
This class represents a world loaded by BlueMap.
This Content-Type registry is used by the internal webserver to get the content-type of an asset.
The most commonly used file-suffixes and their content-types are registered by default, but you can use the static methods of this class to add more, if you need them.
Note: that any additionally added types won't work if the user uses an external webserver to serve their map-files.
Marks a class, field or method to be included in detail in a possible state-dump.
A marker that is a html-element placed somewhere on the map.
A line consisting of 2 or more Vector3d-points.
The Base-Class for all markers that can be displayed in the web-app.
A set of Markers that are displayed on the maps in the web-app.
The RenderManager is used to schedule tile-renders and process them on a number of different threads.
A shape consisting of 3 or more Vector2d-points on a plane.
A skin-provider capable of loading minecraft player-skins for a given UUID